Emotional: This photo evokes the bond between parent and child and introduces the emotional aspects of what it means to be a parent. even though we only see the hand of the parent and child, the viewer gets that sense of how it is the parent's job to guide their child and the dependence the child needs/has for their parent. Love and guidance are pushed out from this picture.
Objective: The photo is objective because it only focuses on the object (in this case a raindrop) and there is no strong sense of emotion attached.
Final Exam:
Camera Obscura: Optical device that uses a small opening to capture light and project an image onto a surface. https://www.google.it/#safe=off&sa=X&q=camera+obscura&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&ei=gavhUZ_6DoeM4gT3_4CwCw&ved=0CCsQkQ4&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=89958071804e57c&biw=1366&bih=643
Pinhole Technique: Form of photography where no lens is required. Using various forms of boxes, a small aperture is created where light passes through and creates an image onto the film. The technique has been known to have been used with various types of boxes to take pictures. http://www.thedphoto.com/inspiration-fix/wonderful-examples-of-pinhole-camera-photography/
Telephoto Lens: A lens used to magnify isolated subjects; it can also change the depth of field and normalize the size and distance between near and far objects, which in turn makes near objects the same size as far away objects or makes objects far away seem closer.
Gianni Berengo Gardin
Gianni Berengo Gardin was born in 1930 in Santa Maria Ligure. It was in 1954 at 24 where he took his first photograph and became hooked on photography. Gardin was more interested in the informative aspect of photography than the artistic, wanting to capture reality and speak the truth through his photos.
Gardin believed in using natural methods when taking his photos, so he did not use artificial light because he felt that it made the photo artificial, and he never digitally altered his photos. He leaned more towards traditional cameras than digital. He also felt that using tripods blocked the camera and made it difficult to be free and find the trajectory of the subject and that using a super telephoto lens took away from the "natural vision of things" (Girogio Arti-Maximum Parrini).
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